Church Ealing St Stephen's Church Reference: OR92470 Postcode: W13 8HB Donations made 41 Donations total £2,184 Activities created 2 Our fundraising activities Filter Filter Activity type Envelope Fundraise your way 70k challenge Activity status Closed Open Envelope St. Stephen's Ealing Our Church is raising money for Christian Aid in different ways . Some of us are taking part in 70K-in-May.We shall be joining the Freedom Walk in the City on Sat. 11th May, as part of our target. Please support the work of Christian Aid by sponsoring us Status Closed Organisation Ealing St Stephen's Church Total raised: £974 Envelope Sue's Envelope Some of us are walking the 10K Freedom Walk for Christian Aid on Saturday 13th May. Please sponsor us! We're organising a Fair at church on 14th May - come for a light lunch and stalls to buy books, plants, cakes and bric-a-brac. 12 noon to 2pm. On… Status Closed Organisation Ealing St Stephen's Church Total raised: £1,210