Church Abingdon CA Group Reference: OR838 Postcode: OX14 2PU Donations made 36 Donations total £2,178 Activities created 2 Our fundraising activities Filter Filter Activity type Envelope Fundraise your way 70k challenge Activity status Closed Open Envelope Christian Aid Task Group Abingdon Christian Aid works in countries where people are living in poverty and gets alongside people to help with disaster relief, development of agriculture and business so that they are not longer reliant on aid. Status Closed Organisation Abingdon CA Group Total raised: £1,407 Envelope Abingdon Christian Aid donations It's so easy for us to take education and good food for granted. I have seen the effects of illiteracy and malnutrition first hand in many contexts. This year we are focussing on the devastating effects of cyclone Freddie on the people of Malawi, which… Status Closed Organisation Abingdon CA Group Total raised: £771