Church Bosham Holy Trinity Church Reference: OR32439 Postcode: PO18 8LS Donations made 27 Donations total £1,419 Activities created 2 Our fundraising activities Filter Filter Activity type Envelope Fundraise your way 70k challenge Activity status Closed Open Envelope Holy Trinity Bosham We invite you to please give generously to this year's Christian Aid Appeal. Behind today's news headlines of war, conflict and hardship, the human cost is colossal. Below is a message from Christian Aid in support of this year's… Status Closed Organisation Bosham Holy Trinity Church Total raised: £417 Envelope Holy Trinity Church Bosham We invite you to please give generously to this year's Christian Aid Appeal. Below is a message from Christian Aid in support of the appeal. No mum should have the heart-breaking choice of which child to educate and which one will miss out on their… Status Closed Organisation Bosham Holy Trinity Church Total raised: £1,002