Church Balerno CA Group Reference: OR14145 Postcode: EH14 7AA Donations made 7 Donations total £180 Activities created 2 Our fundraising activities Filter Filter Activity type Envelope Fundraise your way 70k challenge Activity status Closed Open Envelope Christian Aid Week 2024: Balerno Parish Church This Christian Aid Week (12-18th May) every gift helps transforms lives. Many of the projects Christian Aid funds are long-term and designed to combat poverty and help communities tackle issues like the climate crisis:… Status Closed Organisation Balerno CA Group Total raised: £35 Envelope Balerno Parish Church No mum should have to choose which of her children gets greater opportunities during their life because that child is the one who got an education, when their brothers and sisters did not. No hardworking young person should be forced to give up on… Status Closed Organisation Balerno CA Group Total raised: £145