Church Parish of Cowley Reference: OR856086 Postcode: OX4 3LF Donations made 9 Donations total £280 Activities created 3 Our fundraising activities Filter Filter Activity type Envelope Fundraise your way 70k challenge Activity status Closed Open Envelope Cowley Parish Christian Aid Week envelope because we don't come collecting door to door with CAW red envelopes any more, we invite you to use a virtual envelope - THANK YOU Status Closed Organisation Parish of Cowley Total raised: £10 May 2024 : 70km for Christian Aid + a mile a day for RNLI two of my focus charities both wanting me to exercise in May - so I'm combining them with some walking and some cycling - targets of each still to set Status Closed Organisation Parish of Cowley Total raised: £245 Envelope Cowley Parish envelope In Cowley Parish, Oxford, we commit to supporting Christian Aid with events throughout the year - Big Brekkies, a Quiz Aid and at Christian Aid Week. No mum should have the heart-breaking choice of which child to educate and which one will miss out on… Status Closed Organisation Parish of Cowley Total raised: £25