Church Lewes CA Group Reference: OR183652 Postcode: BN7 1DS Donations made 21 Donations total £1,780 Activities created 3 Our fundraising activities Filter Filter Activity type Envelope Fundraise your way 70k challenge Activity status Closed Open Envelope Christian Aid Christian Aid provides humanitarian relief and long term development support for poor communities worldwide while tackling the root causes of poverty and speaking out against injustice. Christian Aid helps those in need of all faiths and none. Status Closed Organisation Lewes CA Group Total raised: £445 Envelope Christian Aid - Wallands No mum should have the heart-breaking choice of which child to educate and which one will miss out on their dreams. No hardworking young person should be forced to give up on education, locking them into poverty. We dream of a better world… Status Closed Organisation Lewes CA Group Total raised: £335 Envelope Lewes Area Christian Aid donations Hope in Action - join in to make a difference For more than 75 years Christian Aid has provided humanitarian relief and long-term development support for poor communities worldwide while tackling the root causes of poverty and speaking out… Status Closed Organisation Lewes CA Group Total raised: £1,000