Church German Speaking Congregation Reference: OR115256 Postcode: EH9 1TW Donations made 20 Donations total £925 Activities created 2 Our fundraising activities Filter Filter Activity type Envelope Fundraise your way 70k challenge Activity status Closed Open Envelope German Church's Envelope Please help us to make a difference! Even a small donation makes a big difference for people in Burundi, where 70% are affected by malnourishment and poverty. Last year we collected over 600 Pounds, let's try some more! Thank you! Status Closed Organisation German Speaking Congregation Total raised: £415 Envelope German Church's envelope Hallo zusammenen! Bitte helft uns auch in diesem Jahr mit Eurer Spende für Christian Aid! Mit Eurer noch so kleinen Spende helft ihr das Leben von Menschen in Afrika enorm zu verbessern und zB. gute Saat für Straucherbsen (pigeon peas) zu bekommen… Status Closed Organisation German Speaking Congregation Total raised: £510