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My story

I’m fundraising this Christian Aid Week! Why? To help people push back against poverty. Did you know, malnourishment and poverty affect more than 70% of people in Burundi?

Christian Aid are working to empower families in Burundi build reliable and diverse incomes. Take Aline, for example. She found a lifeline in Christian Aid after she felt the full force of extreme poverty, when an early marriage ended in abuse and violence. We helped her with small business training and she set up as a grocery wholesaler. Today, Aline can afford food, clothes, and essential healthcare for her family.

There’s more people Christian Aid could reach – and that’s why I’m fundraising.

The money raised can help ensure more people get the skills and knowledge they need to fulfil their hopes and ambitions.  £10 could provide one person with the training that supports their family to set up a small business, such as selling home-grown vegetables.

Together we can make a lasting difference.  Thank you for your support! 


Christian Aid
3 months 2 weeks ago
Activity closed!

The activity was closed

Christian Aid
4 months 2 weeks ago
Target reached!

Congratulations! This activity has reached its target!

Mark Reynolds
4 months 3 weeks ago
Journey's End

A second soaking on the Journey into Romanby from Harrogate. 588/581 miles complete, 26 days, 19 rides (20-62 miles), no punctures and one trip to the bike shop.

Red campion and buttercups complement the cow parsley in the North Yorkshire lanes. The hard miles of the first two weeks in May have permitted rain dodging over the last week and a week to spare.

Mark Reynolds
4 months 4 weeks ago
500 Miles up on 18 May

Back in Yorkshire having travelled up the Pennine Way from Buxton to Halifax. Now heading off to Skipton, Harrogate and finally Romanby

Mark Reynolds
5 months ago
401 miles complete

Well on track to Buxton at 445 miles.

Early morning lanes are free of traffic and a fantastic start to a day.

Mark Reynolds
5 months ago
North of Warwick

A splendid day once the haze lifted. 350 miles completed. Next stop Buxton with a new chain.

in North Yorkshire a pleasant ride around Masham, Middleham and Leyburn

Christian Aid
5 months ago
75% of target reached!

Congratulations! This activity has reached 75% of its target!

Mark Reynolds
5 months ago
Half way there

Top and tailed the day with two rides in the Sunshine. Warwick is just over the hill and I am over half way home.

in the North Yorkshire version the verges are being taken over by cow parsley. There are still some cowslips and bluebells in sheltered spots but thankfully dandelions have had their day.

Mark Reynolds
5 months ago
Test Day 9 May

Bike and rider both creaking. One is easier to fix!

Christian Aid
5 months 1 week ago
First donation received!

Congratulations! This activity has received its first donation!

Mark Reynolds
5 months 1 week ago
Bath is in site

After setting off from Land's end on 1 May I have wound my way to Tintagel Castle, through Devon and now to the Roman City of Bath at 240 miles (Day 8).

The weather has been kind in Yorkshire and the trip has included bank holiday trips to Leyburn and up White Horse Bank. All well with the rider and machine so far.

How your money helps

Poverty pushed Aline to the brink. She was abused, homeless and hungry. But Aline pushed back harder. With Christian Aid funded small business training, she achieved what had seemed impossible, a vital income for her and her children.

Fundraising this Christian Aid Week will ensure more people in Burundi get the skills and knowledge they need to push back against the inhumanity of poverty.

Image credits and information i
Aline Nibogora is pushing back against extreme poverty in Makamba Province, Burundi by raising the living conditions of her community with the support of Christian Aid. Credit: Ndacayisaba Epitace
Aline Nigobora stands in front of her home, She wears a pink top and green skirt and is looking in the camera with a neutral expression