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Singer and dedicated charity supporter Auriol Britton is taking to the streets of London and the West Country on her annual fundraising carol singing tour, to support families with food and lifesaving supplies, via the Christian Aid's Christmas Appeal 2024.

Supporters around the UK are getting involved by taking part in carol concerts and holding collections during Advent services.

Auriol is going one step further with over 15 performances of festive favourites, in London and places like Bristol and Wells.

The money she raises will help projects around the world, such as in places like South Sudan, for families like Shede's, the daily struggle is not just for safety but also to protect their children from hunger and malnutrition. Having left everything behind, they arrive in refugee settlements with just the clothes they fled in. overseen by local organisations, to give communities new skills and more opportunities to combat injustices like climate change and poverty.

Auriol has supported Christian Aid since doing a skydive in 1994 for the organisation.

She shared: “I have been regularly singing for the charity throughout each December since about 2005. I’ve also done a few other fundraisers, including making and designing cards, and a recitation of Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol, in 2012.

“The struggles of people in other countries can feel unreal but we’re all human and we all have hopes and aspirations. I believe in doing what I can to help people out of poverty in parts of the world where there are fewer opportunities.”

Will you join us this Christmas in bringing comfort and joy, and making a difference in someone's life by donating a gift of any amount?*

*100% of the proceeds will go to Christian Aid.

Merry Christmas from Auriol Britton & the Christian Aid Team!

Find out more about the Christmas Appeal at:


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How your money helps

The hope of farming families is being pushed to the limit. In Zimbabwe, Nyarai’s family have always made their living by farming and selling chickens, until the climate crisis began to threaten their harvests and their hope. Low rainfall often left her family without enough food.

With Christian Aid-funded training, Nyarai learned sustainable harvesting and climate-smart agriculture practices. This transformed their lives. Your church’s collection will help train more farmers and prevent hunger and malnutrition as extreme weather ravages their crops.

Image credits and information i
Credit: David Brazier/Christian Aid
Nyarai in her maize farm looks into the distance off camera