I had hoped to run the Bethlehem Half Marathon for the first time this year but sadly the whole Marathon event was cancelled a few weeks ago because of the War on Gaza. But I wanted to do something to support Christian Aid so I thought I'd try the 70k in May Challenge.
I have supported Christian Aid for many years. I have always valued the integrity with which they go about the work supporting world's poorest people and countries affected by climate change. But more than that it has been the advocacy work seeking to change the unjust structures of society.
Living in Jerusalem has been a joy for these past five years but since the war on Gaza began it has become even more challenging and disturbing. During these months Christian Aid has done a great job in highlighting the suffering of Palestinian people in the Occupied Territories of Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Whilst running I will be praying for the work that they support on the ground. I will be praying for the extraordinary staff of the hospitals in Gaza including our Anglican Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza City.
My runs will be around the walls of the Old City, up and down the Mount of Olives and I will do one 18k run to Bethlehem and back. I'll try to post some pictures. Please support me to help Christian Aid's fantastic work so that they keep on supporting the Palestinians peoples in these days of deep pain.
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