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My story

Thank you for opening the Christian Aid Week e-envelope for Bridge of Weir. Now please help to fill it up!

See “Aline’s Story” below.  Give more people like Aline a helpful shove as they push back against poverty.

Christian Aid plays a crucial role in tackling poverty and the causes of poverty. 

But it can only do this with your help.  Please give generously by clicking on the "Donate" button. This is our opportunity to play our part.

If you are a tax payer, remember to tick the gift aid box. Each year, this gift aid bonus raises an additional £800 from Bridge of Weir donations alone.

And spread the word by sharing this page and inviting your friends to donate!

Thank you again for your support.

Bridge of Weir Christian Aid Group

(4 Churches Together – St Machar’s Ranfurly, Freeland, St Mary’s and Hope Hall)

Aline’s story

In Burundi, malnourishment and poverty affect more than 70% of the population, putting them at the edge of survival.

Aline, pushed to the brink, was abused, homeless and hungry. But Aline pushed back. She found a lifeline through Christian Aid funded small business training. 

This gave her the skills to set up a “Village Savings & Loan Association” and later her own small business as a local trader of avocados and peanuts. She was able to buy a bicycle to transport her goods to market.   Later she was able to rent a house for herself and her children.  Now she has even baked her own bricks to build a permanent home for her family.

Real sustainable transformation through a little love and support from Christian Aid.

You can help ensure more people in Burundi get the skills and knowledge they need to fulfil their hopes and ambitions.

Donate and help someone push back against poverty this Christian Aid Week.

Aline’s full story is on the Christian Aid web site at:


Christian Aid
8 months 2 weeks ago
Activity closed!

The activity was closed

Christian Aid
9 months 3 weeks ago
Target reached!

Congratulations! This activity has reached its target!

Christian Aid
9 months 4 weeks ago
75% of target reached!

Congratulations! This activity has reached 75% of its target!

Christian Aid
10 months ago
50% of target reached!

Congratulations! This activity has reached 50% of its target!

Christian Aid
10 months 1 week ago
First donation received!

Congratulations! This activity has received its first donation!

How your money helps

Poverty pushed Aline to the brink. She was abused, homeless and hungry. But Aline pushed back harder. With Christian Aid funded small business training, she achieved what had seemed impossible, a vital income for her and her children.

Fundraising this Christian Aid Week will ensure more people in Burundi get the skills and knowledge they need to push back against the inhumanity of poverty.

Image credits and information i
Aline Nibogora is pushing back against extreme poverty in Makamba Province, Burundi by raising the living conditions of her community with the support of Christian Aid. Credit: Ndacayisaba Epitace
Aline Nigobora stands in front of her home, She wears a pink top and green skirt and is looking in the camera with a neutral expression