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My story

For many years Christian Aid envelopes have been distributed house to house in Thirsk during Christian Aid Week. This year this will not happen. I, with the help of my wife Judith and our dog Zak, am taking the 70K in May challenge to give people an easy, alternative way to donate to the very important work of Christian Aid.  Your donations will help people push back against poverty. Did you know, malnourishment and poverty affect more than 70% of people in Burundi?

Christian Aid are working to empower families in Burundi to build reliable and diverse incomes. Take Aline, for example. She found a lifeline in Christian Aid after she felt the full force of extreme poverty, when an early marriage ended in abuse and violence. We helped her with small business training and she set up as a grocery wholesaler. Today, Aline can afford food, clothes, and essential healthcare for her family.

There’s more people Christian Aid could reach – and that’s why I’m fundraising and taking part in 70K in May.

The money raised can help ensure more people get the skills and knowledge they need to fulfil their hopes and ambitions.  £10 could provide one person with the training that supports their family to set up a small business, such as selling home-grown vegetables. Donations of any size will be appreciated.

Together we can make a lasting difference.  Thank you for your support!


Christian Aid
8 months ago
Activity closed!

The activity was closed

Michael Walker
8 months ago
31st May

The Challenge is now over! Having reached 70km. on 9th May, I kept walking, as chronicled in these updates, finally reaching 255.19km. A big THANK YOU to all who contributed to my fundraising page, thereby contributing to the wonderful work of Christian Aid. If you haven't yet contributed, there is still time! This page should remain open until 6th June. Today we walked to the shop for my newspaper in the morning. In the afternoon we walked through Studley Royal Water Gardens, round Fountains Abbey, up to the visitors' centre to view the knitted tank prepared by Ripon ladies to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, then back through the deer park to the car park. I walked 7.76km., taking my total to 255.19km.   

Michael Walker
8 months ago
30th May

We had 2 often-walked walks today. In the morning we walked up the fields from home to South Dowber Lane, down Stoneybrough Lane, for my newspaper and back home. In the afternoon we walked through the Millennium Green and back through the fields alongside South Dowber Lane. I walked 7.29km., which takes my total so far to 247.43km.

Michael Walker
8 months 1 week ago
29th May

In the morning we walked alongside Stockton Road to South Kilvington, along Upsall Road and back along the footpath on the far side of the dual carriageway, down Stoneybrough Lane, for my newspaper and home. In the afternoon we walked through the Millennium Green, back along South Dowber Lane and through fields. In the evening I did more walking mowing lawns. I walked 11.07km. today, taking my total so far to 240.14km.

Michael Walker
8 months 1 week ago
28th May

This morning Zak and I got rather startled. We walked on the path from Stockton Road to Cod Beck and turned left along Cod Beck. Shortly before we reached the path which comes down alongside Whitelass Beck, a deer ran out very close in front of us from the woodland on our left, closely followed by a second one, both just managing to avoid colliding with either of us. They turned right and headed off in the South Kilvington direction. When we had regained some of our composure, we continued on our way to The Holmes and then back home. The afternoon turned rather wet, so we waited until evening before having a walk on a circuit around pavements close to home. I walked 6.14km., taking my total so far to 229.07km.

Michael Walker
8 months 1 week ago
27th May

In the morning we again walked to and across Sowerby Flatts. In the afternoon we had another walk through the Millennium Green and back through the fields alongside South Dowber Lane. I walked 9.13km., taking my total so far to 222.93km.

Michael Walker
8 months 1 week ago
26th May

In the Morning Zak and I walked up the fields and round by Stoneybrough Lane. In the afternoon we walked up the fields from home, through the fields alongside South Dowber Lane and back via White Rose Way and Dowber Way. I walked 6.21km., taking my total to 213.80km., or more than 3X70 K in May!

Michael Walker
8 months 1 week ago
25th May

In the morning we had a walk on Sowerby Flatts. In the afternoon we walked up the fields, across South Dowber Way, through the fields and back along White Rose Way and Dowber Way. I walked 8.11km., making my total so far 207.59km.

Michael Walker
8 months 1 week ago
24th May

In the morning we walked over the bridge over the dual carriageway, turned left to South Kilvington and walked back on the footpath through the fields. In the afternoon we again did the circuit through the Millennium Green and back through the fields on the far side of South Dowber Lane. I walked 9.27km., taking my total so far to 199.48km.

Michael Walker
8 months 1 week ago
23rd May

The rain had stopped (just about!). In the morning we walked across the white bridge over Cod Beck, along Cod Beck, across Castle Garth, onto Sowerby Flatts and back via Cod Beck, St. James Green and Stammergate. In the afternoon we again walked through the Millennium Green and back through the fields alongside South Dowber Lane. I walked 7.78km., taking my total so far to 190.21km.

Michael Walker
8 months 2 weeks ago
22nd May

As it was raining most of the day we did not do as much walking as usual. In the morning we walked along the path alongside Stockton Road to South Kilvington and back. Late afternoon we walked a short circuit along pavements close to home. I walked 6.61km., taking my total so far to 182.43km.

Michael Walker
8 months 2 weeks ago
21st May

We were back to local walks today. In the morning we walked round by Stoneybrough Lane. In the afternoon we walked through the Millennium Green, across South Dowber Lane and back through the fields. I walked 7.37km., taking my total so far to 175.82km.  

Michael Walker
8 months 2 weeks ago
20th May

In the morning we walked down to town and back. In the afternoon we travelled further afield, to the Washburn Valley and walked round Swinsty Reservoir. I walked 10.49km., taking my total so far to 168.45km.

Michael Walker
8 months 2 weeks ago
19th May

In the morning I walked to church and back. In the afternoon we walked over the bridge over the dual carriageway, turned left, walked to South Kilvington and returned through the fields. I walked 8.67km., taking my total so far to 157.96km.

Michael Walker
8 months 2 weeks ago
18th May

In the morning we walked to and on Sowerby Flatts. In the afternoon my walking was done mowing lawns. In the evening we walked up the fields from home, across South Dowber Lane, through the fields and back via Favenfield Road and Dowber Way. I walked 11.18km., making my total so far 149.29km. 

Michael Walker
8 months 2 weeks ago

I did not get a great deal of time for walking today as I was waiting at home for a gas engineer to come to fix a gas leak. He arrived at almost 10 p.m. I walked for my newspaper in the morning and had a walk with Zak through the Millennium Green, over South Dowber Lane and back through the fields in the evening. Zak had his morning and afternoon walks with Judith. I walked 5.14km. taking my total so far to 138.11km.

Christian Aid
8 months 2 weeks ago
Target reached!

Congratulations! This activity has reached its target!

Christian Aid
8 months 2 weeks ago
75% of target reached!

Congratulations! This activity has reached 75% of its target!

Michael Walker
8 months 2 weeks ago
16th May

In the morning we walked down the path from Stockton Road to Cod Beck, then along Cod Beck, over the bridge by the weir, along The Holmes and back home. In the afternoon we walked through the Millennium Green, across South Dowber Lane and back home through the fields. I walked 8.46km., taking my total so far to 132.97km.

Michael Walker
8 months 3 weeks ago
15th May

A walk on Sowerby Flatts and then shopping in town in the morning. Another visit to the dentist in Ripon in the afternoon, this time to see the hygienist, so walks from our parked car to the surgery and back, plus a short walk with Zak in the park. After returning home we had a walk round by Stoneybrough Lane. I walked 7.83km. today, taking my total to 124.51km.

Michael Walker
8 months 3 weeks ago
14th May

There was some rain this morning for our walk alongside Stockton Road to South Kilvington and back. I stayed in this afternoon whilst Judith and Zak went out for a walk, as we had workmen coming to replace our smart meters for electricity and gas. I walked 5.54km. today, taking my total so far to 116.68km.

Michael Walker
8 months 3 weeks ago
13th May

Another warm, sunny day for walking. In the morning we walked over Sowerby Flatts to Blakey Bridge and back. In the afternoon we had a short walk through the fields to South Dowber Lane, onto White Rose Way and back home. I walked 10.21km., taking my total so far to 111.14km.

Christian Aid
8 months 3 weeks ago
50% of target reached!

Congratulations! This activity has reached 50% of its target!

Michael Walker
8 months 3 weeks ago
12th May

In the morning Zak and I walked down by Whitelass Beck, along Cod Beck and back through Carr's Field while Judith was at her church service. In the afternoon we walked over the bridge over the dual carriageway and round the large field opposite. I walked 9.25km., taking my total so far to 100.93km.

Michael Walker
8 months 3 weeks ago
May 11th

In the morning Zak and I walked the circuit up to South Dowber Lane, down Stoneybrough Lane, turned left onto Stockton Road and back home while Judith was at Kids' Wardrobe in the Methodist church. In the afternoon my walking was done mowing lawns. In the evening we walked the circuit through the Millennium Green, through the fields adjacent to the dual carriageway and back home. I walked 8.58km. today, making my total so far 91.68km.

Michael Walker
8 months 3 weeks ago
10th May

Our first walk today was to the veterinary surgery at the auction mart for a routine appointment for Zak, and back home. Then Zak had some quiet time while Judith and I journeyed to the dentist in Ripon. This always involves a walk to the dentist's surgery from our parked car and back to the car. Our afternoon walk was from home to St. Mary's Church to deliver some empty plastic bottles to be used at the children's half term club. I walked 10.79km. today, making my total so far to 83.10km.

Michael Walker
8 months 3 weeks ago
9th May

I have now passed my 70km target but I will keep walking and logging my progress in these updates, in the hope that people will keep making donations towards the very important work of Christian Aid. We started on 9th May with a walk on the footpath from Stockton Road to Cod Beck, turned left along the Beck, through Carr's Field and back home. In the late afternoon we did the circuit through the Millennium Green, across South Dowber Lane and through the fields alongside the dual carriageway. I walked 7.35km today, taking my total to 72.31km.

Michael Walker
8 months 4 weeks ago
8th May

Update 9 should be dated 8th May!

Michael Walker
8 months 4 weeks ago
7th May

Yet another pleasant, dry day. In the morning we walked on Sowerby Flatts and then round shops in town. Late afternoon we walked over the bridge over the dual carriageway, turned left to South Kilvington, then back home across the fields. I walked 8.56km., taking my total so far to 64.96km.

Michael Walker
8 months 4 weeks ago
7th May

We started with a walk to buy my newspaper. Then I headed to West Yorkshire again, this time with Judith and Zak, to Temple Newsam, Leeds. We walked in the parkland and gardens, to see their beautiful display of Rhododendrons and Azaleas and had lunch at the courtyard tearooms plus an afternoon ice cream. I walked 8.64km., bringing my total so far up to 56.40km.

Michael Walker
8 months 4 weeks ago
6th May

I think I had a senior moment when I posted my 5th May update! Our morning walk round by Stoneybrough Lane was on 6th May, not the 5th. Everything else in the update was correct. So, the 6th May started with our walk round by Stoneybrough Lane, followed by walking to St. Mary's Church and back for my regular 2 hour slot of welcoming. Later in the afternoon we had a walk down by Whitelass Beck and along Cod Beck. I walked 8.75km. making my total so far 47.76km.

Michael Walker
9 months ago
5th May

More dry weather. This morning we walked up the fields to South Dowber Lane, turned left then down Stoneybrough Lane and back on Stockton Rd. and Alexander Close, then I walked to church and back. In the afternoon we walked over the bridge over the dual carriageway then round the large field directly opposite. I walked 9.40km. today, taking my total so far to 39.01km.

Michael Walker
9 months ago
4th May

Another day watching cricket at Headingley and more cricket to watch today. Again I waked from my car to the ground and back, not as far today as I parked closer to the ground, and again 3 circuits of the ground during the lunch interval plus 1 circuit during the tea interval. I was not home in time for a further walk today. I walked 5.34km. today, taking my total so far to 29.61km.

Michael Walker
9 months ago
3rd May

A different sort of day today. I went to Headingley to watch day 1 of Yorkshire v Glamorgan. My walking involved walking from my car to the ground and back and 3 circuits of the ground during the lunch interval. After a full first session of play, the rain started soon after lunch and got heavier until it was persistent, so I returned to a dry Thirsk in time for a late afternoon walk around the fields near home. I walked 7.50km today, making my total so far 24.27km.

Michael Walker
9 months ago
2nd May

Another good, fine day for walking. We did similar walks to yesterday. In the morning we had a longer walk from home around Sowerby Flatts. In late afternoon we had a walk through the Millennium Green and back to vote for our new mayor. My total distance walked today was 9.58km., making my total so far 16.77km.

Michael Walker
9 months ago
1st May

I started my 70K in May Challenge on 1st May. I walked 7.19km. on Sowerby Flatts, shopping in town and walking through the Millennium Green, across South Dowber Lane and through the fields next to the dual carriageway.

Christian Aid
9 months 1 week ago
First donation received!

Congratulations! This activity has received its first donation!

How your money helps

Poverty pushed Aline to the brink. She was abused, homeless and hungry. But Aline pushed back harder. With Christian Aid funded small business training, she achieved what had seemed impossible, a vital income for her and her children.

Fundraising this Christian Aid Week will ensure more people in Burundi get the skills and knowledge they need to push back against the inhumanity of poverty.

Image credits and information i
Aline Nibogora is pushing back against extreme poverty in Makamba Province, Burundi by raising the living conditions of her community with the support of Christian Aid. Credit: Ndacayisaba Epitace
Aline Nigobora stands in front of her home, She wears a pink top and green skirt and is looking in the camera with a neutral expression